Posted in Crafting and Cooking, Health, My Recipes, Personal Wellness, Positive Thinking

Thank you!!!

Yesterday, I was so happy to see a notification simply letting me know that Achieve Complete Wellness hit 100 followers!!! I wanted to thank all of you for joining me in this journey and I look forward to sharing more health tips, recipes, ways to focus on the positive and stories with you!!!! πŸ™‚

Posted in Goal Setting, Health, Inspiring Quotes, Personal Wellness, Positive Thinking, Self-Esteem

Happy First Week of February!!!

Since this blog is about wellness, one thing for certain is that when you’re disorganized, it causes stress in your life. Stress causes a negative ripple effect in your health and mood. Physical issues such as high blood pressure, risk of stroke and heart attacks, obesity and diabetes are just a few. In terms of mood, stress can increase a person’s level of anxiety and symptoms of depression. How to become organized is a part of the puzzle that will alleviate stress.

One tip that may help is the simple process of writing things down. For me, I use a planner to help manage my week, write down things that I need to do and specific things that I need to remember. Using a planner to map out what meals you want to make for the week or times to exercise can in itself decrease stress.

I actually have this one section in my planner that I’m thinking of using it for a brainstorming page for things for my business, my blog, new recipe ideas and so on. Other ideas include writing down short terms goals that you want to focus on whether it be for the month, the week or just for that day.

One thing to keep in mind is a great quote:

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill

So, here’s to getting your gel pens out and writing things down!!! πŸ™‚

Posted in Crafting and Cooking, Health, My Recipes, Personal Wellness

The Health Benefits of Omega 3


The other night, we made salmon for dinner and it was wonderful!

I started thinking about all the benefits of Omega-3 and how important it is to include it into your daily routine. The thing about Omega-3 is that the body is unable to make it on its own so the only way to get it is by diet and supplementation. There are three types of Omega-3 include: EPA and DHA which are mainly found in fish and then ALA which is found in plant sources.

Foods that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids are: salmon, mackerel and herring. Plant sourcea include: walnuts, flaxseeds and canola oil.

The benefits of adding Omega-3 to your daily routine include:

1. Decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

2. Reduces cholesterol.

3. Reduces blood pressure.

4. Helps with inflammation.

5. Helps with healthy brain function.

Hope these tips were helpful!!!

Here’s to your health!! πŸ™‚

Posted in Crafting and Cooking, Health, Personal Wellness

To Your Health – Health Benefits of Blueberries

Frozen Blueberries

One of the things that my husband and I have added to our daily routine is blueberries!! Usually, we have them with our eggs on some mornings as a healthy replacement for toast or in our oatmeal or cereal. They also make a healthy snack!!

A little unknown fact is that blueberries are jammed with antioxidants and are nutrient dense, low in calories and high in fiber. They are also rich with calcium, iron, zinc, manganese, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Vitamin B6 to name a few.

Some of the health benefits of blueberries include:

1. Lowers bad cholesterol.

2. Helps heart health.

3. Helps inflammation in the body.

4. Helps bone strength.

5. Improves Brain Function

So, here’s to having a Berry healthy day!!! πŸ™‚

Posted in Crafting and Cooking, Health, Personal Wellness, Relaxation, Self-Esteem

Taking Time to Relax β˜ƒοΈ

Welcome Winter!!

Hoping that you had an amazing start to your New Year!!! We had our first snowfalls of the season this week and simply stated, it was beautiful!!! It’s so relaxing to watch the snow fall and enjoy how quiet it is as snowflakes gently land on the ground.

Learning ways to take time out in your day to relax and enjoy the moment is a way to Achieve Complete Wellness. Whether it’s watching the snow fall, spending time cooking, exercising, reading a good book or spending time on your favorite hobby, taking time to relax is vital to relieve stress.

So, this week set aside a couple minutes for yourself each day to be in the moment and relax!!!!

Here’s to your health!!! πŸ™‚

Posted in Crafting and Cooking, Health, Personal Wellness

The Benefits of Vitamin D3

A Great Scene while we were in Barbados

Each morning, my husband and I take our vitamins which includes Vitamin D3.

One little unknown fact is the 1 out of 4 people are Vitamin D deficient. One of the main reasons for this is that we don’t get outside enough to get natural Vitamin D from the sun. β˜€οΈ On average, a person needs 10-15 minutes of direct sunlight every day to give the proper amount of Vitamin D needed.

Adding Vitamin D3 has several benefits and below are few that I thought that you might find interesting:

1. Aids with weight loss and a person’s metabolism.

2. Improves cardiovascular health.

3. Lowers the risk of autoimmune disorders.

4. Boosts the immune system.

5. Helps with insulin response.

6. Boosts mood.

Some foods that have Vitamin D3 include:

1. Spinach

2. Mushrooms

3. Fish – such as tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines, snapper

4. Soybeans

I hope that you find this information helpful.

Here’s to getting out in the sun and enjoying good health!!! πŸ™‚

Posted in Crafting and Cooking, Health, Personal Wellness, Relaxation

12 Days of Christmas πŸŽ„ – A Cup of Peppermint Tea

Peppermint Tea

Usually, I have a cup of tea in the afternoon and today was no exception! One of my favorite teas is Peppermint Tea. It’s like having a candy cane in a cup!!!! Of course, with Christmas being right around the corner, taking a few minutes during the day to have a cup of tea, relax and enjoy the moment is so important.

Now as much as I enjoy drinking my tea, what I didn’t know is all of the health benefits that come from having a cup of Peppermint Tea a day. Below are couple health benefits that I wanted to share with you:

1. It relieves stress.

2. It helps with digestion.

3. It gives a boost to the immune system.

4. It promotes better sleep.

5. It eases headaches.

6. It can help with nasal congestion.

So, in the midst of all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, take a moment and have a cup of Peppermint Tea!!!

Here’s to your health!!! πŸŽ„

Posted in Crafting and Cooking, Health, My Recipes, Personal Wellness

To Your Health with Turmeric

I don’t know about you, but I love a cup of coffee in the morning. Usually, we just have our coffee with a little bit of almond milk. Recently, we decided to try adding a half a teaspoon of turmeric in our morning coffee. We keep hearing how there are so many health benefits from using turmeric that we thought we would give it a try. To me, adding the turmeric to my coffee gives it a little hint if spice with a “good morning zing” and it tastes amazing!!

Turmeric is like a cousin to the ginger family. It comes fromΒ theΒ Curcuma longaΒ plant, which grows in India and other countries.

Now you may be asking yourself, why would I put it in my coffee?Β  Well, after looking around for information aboutΒ  turmeric, there seems to be a lot of reasons. Just after a month of having it in my coffee, I’ve noticed reduced inflammation throughout my body and after my morning exercises that my muscle recovery is faster.Β 

Below are some of the proven health benefits that come from adding turmeric to your daily routine:

1. It helps with inflammation

2. It decreases joint pain.

3. It’s a great natural boost to your immune system.

4. It helps with digestion.

I’ve also learned that by consuming Β½ teaspoon to 1 teaspoon turmeric powder with food, or as I do with my morning java, it has amazing heath benefits. So, get those recipes out with turmeric in it!!! πŸ™‚

Note: When cooking with turmeric, curry is another spice that pairs very well with it.