Posted in Crafting and Cooking, Health, Personal Wellness, Positive Thinking, Self-Esteem, Spiritual Wellness

A Cup of Positivity

Sometimes I think about what we fill ourselves up with during the day. Of course, I do need a cup of coffee in the morning to get the day started, however, I’m not talking about the physical things that we fill our bodies with, I’m talking about what do you fill your mind with each day. Do you fill yourself up with things that are positive or do you fill yourself up with things that are negative.

Most people tend to focus on the negative and worry about problems or issues that create stress and sometimes anxiety. How to change your mindset, focus on the positive things going on in your life takes some work, but it is well worth it. πŸ™‚

Now my husband and I have a morning routine that works for us. We make our morning coffee, take time to talk about different things and then we do Bible study together. Most importantly, we pray together. I feel this is one of the biggest components in alleviating all negativity in a person’s life. With Jesus being the main focus in your life, He will always lead you down the correct path in life. As stated in Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.

Also, it says in Matthew 6:25-26

Ultimately, everyone has the opportunity to figure out what is best for your life. Given everything that we have faced during the past two years, I can truly say that having the Peace of the Lord through this all has been an amazing gift.

I know that I tend to write about cooking, crafts and wellness but during my prayer time, I felt led to write this which is an indication to me that someone who reads my blog needs to hear this.

Hope all of have an amazing day!

Posted in Crafting and Cooking, Goal Setting, My Recipes, Personal Wellness, Positive Thinking, Self-Esteem

Happy New Year!!!πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

New Year’s Eve Lasagna

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!!! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ I hope that all of you have a wonderful 2022 and I look forward to finding ways to Achieve Complete Wellness with you throughout the year!!!

One of our New Year’s Eve traditions is making a classic Italian dish – lasagna!!! It takes a little time to make it but it’s well worth it. An added bonus is that we have enough left overs to have for dinner tonight!!! Lol!!! 🀣🀣🀣

New Year’s Day is a day to relax, enjoy our morning coffee and reflect on things that we want to achieve in 2022. There’s a great saying by Napoleon Hill that states, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it will achieve.” One great thing to start in 2022 is to write down your goals that you want to achieve this year because by writing your goals down, you hold yourself accountable to achieving them. Personally, I use my planner to write my goals and other tasks in.

So, here’s to the beginning of a fantastic New Year 2022!!!

Posted in Crafting and Cooking, Inspiring Quotes, My Recipes, Positive Thinking, Self-Esteem, Spiritual Wellness

Welcoming Fall!


There is a little crisp feeling in the air today and I thought to myself….”ahh, the beginning of Β fall.” Β I absolutely love the fall and all the feelings that the start of a new season brings. Β I immediately start thinking about fall recipes, pumpkins, pumpkin spice lattes, crocheting scarves, the leaves changing colors and so on. Β I start putting up the fall decorations, search my recipe file for my favorite soup recipes and pumpkin recipes. Β It is such an amazing feeling!!!

Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.

~ F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

I also sit and think about how amazing God is and how he has created everything the surrounds us. Β So today, just take a moment to take in all that the beginnings of fall brings. Β Go outside, take a deep breath and thank God for all that he provides for us. Β Start a gratitude journal today and write down three things that you are grateful for and see how your positive thinking will increase.

So, here is to the joy that beginning of fall brings…… go out their and enjoy it!!!

Posted in Goal Setting, Personal Wellness, Positive Thinking, Self-Esteem

The Journey to Success


I was sitting here having a cup of java and started thinking about how people define success for themselves. It is a subjective word when you think about it because you are the one who defines what is success for yourself. Β Success to one may be creating a work of art, cooking an amazing meal, winning a race, getting a good grade in a class, losing weight, starting a new business, getting a new car and so on. Β Of course, there are so many people or things that influence one’s definition of success including family, society and the media. Sometimes, a person’s definition of success has been defined for them and at some point in time, they realize the value in defining the meaning for themself.

On the journey to success, most people think that it is as simple as achieving a goal that they wanted. Β The dilemma that arises for many is if they do not achieve their goal they see it as a failure. Feelings of self-doubt, fear and second guessing creeps in and at that critical point, a person may give up on their goal. Β Oftentimes, the problem in that way of thinking is that you end up giving up on yourself and never learn that failure is a part of the process on your journey to success.

Now you may be thinking, “what….failure is part of the process???” Yes, that is what I am saying and trust me, I have failed at many a things on the road to something I wanted to achieve or I had defined in my mind as “success” but what I learned from those “failures” was key to dusting myself off and getting back on the horse (for lack of a better expression…lol).

The question then is how do you learn from your failures, charge forward in order to achieve your goal or become successful?

First, redefine the word failure for yourself. Instead of seeing it as a be all end all for something, learn to see each failure as a stepping-stone. The old phrase of one step forward and two steps back comes to mind as I write. The key is to then get back up, dust yourself off and start walking forward again. If you learn to see “failure” as part if the process on your journey to success, it will help you stay focused and move forward.

Second, create a vision board that includes your goals, dreams and your definition of success to you. Then in those moments when things aren’t going quite as you planned, take a look at your vision board and use it as a tool to motivate you to take the next step forward.

Third, surround yourself with positive, supportive people who will be encouraging to you in those moments of frustration. Having a positive person in your corner will help you and energize you to keep pursuing your dreams.

Lastly, make sure that you learn to think positively and catch yourself if you start to think negative. Remember, stinkin’ thinkin’ will only bring you down and cause self-doubt. So, learn to take any negative self-talk and learn to make it positive.

So, I hope that this motivates you to pursue your goals, your dreams and helps you move forward in achieving complete wellness!!!!

Posted in Inspiring Quotes, Personal Wellness, Positive Thinking, Self-Esteem, Spiritual Wellness

The Beauty of Morning


“I’m always thinking about creating. My future starts when I wake up every morning… Every day I find something creative to do with my life.”

~Miles Davis

I simply love the mornings and the joy in knowing that God has blessed me with another day. Each day is a new adventure and an amazing chance to be creative and help people. If you think about it, each day is a new canvas to paint or a fresh skein of yarn to crochet. It is an opportunity to wake up and think, “who can I help today” or show kindness to. New doors open with the start of a new day and the world is full of so many possibities. The trick is in seeing all the potential that each day offers you and seizing each and every moment.

So, today, seize the moment – be creative, help someone in need and see how amazing it feels!!!!

Posted in Goal Setting, Inspiring Quotes, Personal Wellness, Positive Thinking, Self-Esteem

Food for Thought – Teamwork


One word that is commonly used is the word teamwork. Most people hear that word and think about sports or working on a team. The key to teamwork for me is letting people know that you not only care about their needs but that you will be there to coach and help them every step of the way. There is a part of you that needs to be selfless when you are building relationships and a team. Creating a team takes time, dedication, effort and genuine caring. Think about the impact that you can have on someone’s life by helping them achieve their goals. Sometimes it is so rewarding to help someone else and the more people you help, the more satisfying and fulfilling your life will be.